Oneness with God Experience of God

19,90  exkl. Mwst.

Oneness with God (God experience), being God and feeling God with Binaural Beats.


Oneness with God (God experience), being God and feeling God with Binaural Beats.

binaural-beats-one-with-godThe feeling of being One with God, the sole and multi-universal Creator, has shown and demonstrated to many people that they themselves are a part of God. They have experienced themselves as God and have been in a heightened state of consciousness that shows them that they are God.

There are not many seekers who have managed to experience the God experience or to be One with God. In some accounts, this God experience was experienced by flying out into the universe and flying towards God. They then connected with him and were able to realise that they had always been one with God. They spent eternities with God, but when they returned to the world of everyday life and mortality, often only minutes had passed.

Learn to be a creator and become a creator

People who experienced this state of Oneness with God reported that they were able to realise that they had created everything themselves, i.e. the whole universe with all its planets, nebulae, stars and living beings in manifold forms. This state can be provoked with these frequencies, Binaural Beats, or it is possible to become aware of the connection with God again.

This MP3 has only the pure frequencies, Binaural Beats, under which a noise has been placed, without music, without additional sounds.

Duration: 50 min.

Format: Mp3, 320 kbps

Recommended links:
Binaural Beats: Anti Aging – Get younger again
Our German Shop: “Gehirnkicker


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